Sunday, July 29, 2012

Health & Fitness: Day 28

Today was my 2nd day of level 3 of the 30 Day Shred. I actually haven't gotten "bored" during these last 2 workouts. It's so intense that it doesn't give you a chance to think about how tired you are. I'm hoping to see more results after 10 days of level 3.

I went to the doctor on Friday. Of course I had to step on the scale. Well, I didn't like their scale. It's probably way more accurate than mine but I still don't like it. My weight loss according to their scale is only 3 lbs. Regardless of the amount of pounds I have lost, my body is definitely changing. I am stronger and more tone than I was 4 weeks ago. Plus I'm healthier than I was 4 weeks ago and I guess that is what matters most. So I've decided to not step on the scale for the next 4 weeks. I've gotten too caught up with how much I weigh.

Day 28 Exercise:
-20 minutes of Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred


  1. You do look great! I like to see numbers too especially when I have made sacrifices and worked hard- but be encouraged your hard work shows!
