Total Weight Gain: 39 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: pants are only maternity. dresses. and loooong tops 'cause my belly will show if my shirt is short. i mostly wear non-maternity tops.
Stretch Marks: still no stretch marks on the belly. just a few elsewhere.
Sleep: i slept great until Friday night when i was feeling icky from a head cold.
Maternity Clothes: pants are only maternity. dresses. and loooong tops 'cause my belly will show if my shirt is short. i mostly wear non-maternity tops.
Stretch Marks: still no stretch marks on the belly. just a few elsewhere.
Sleep: i slept great until Friday night when i was feeling icky from a head cold.
Best Moment This Week: my baby shower and seeing family and friends that i haven't seen in a long time! i also got my hair done on thursday. i needed a change the required less maintenance. i said goodbye to the highlights and went back to my natural color. daaaark brown!
Movement: she's moving all over the place with very strong movements.
Food Cravings: baby carrots have gotten my attention this week.
Gender: it's a girl!
Labor Signs: braxton-hicks contractions and some pressure. i am also carrying her lower now. baby coming soon?!
Belly Button In or Out: surprisingly still in. verrrrry shallow but an innie.
What I am Looking Forward to: doctor on monday to see how everything is going and another baby shower at school on thursday! i am so blessed to have wonderful friends and family!!
Food Cravings: baby carrots have gotten my attention this week.
Gender: it's a girl!
Labor Signs: braxton-hicks contractions and some pressure. i am also carrying her lower now. baby coming soon?!
Belly Button In or Out: surprisingly still in. verrrrry shallow but an innie.
What I am Looking Forward to: doctor on monday to see how everything is going and another baby shower at school on thursday! i am so blessed to have wonderful friends and family!!