2015 was a busy year for our family! So many new adventures, memories made, and so much fun was had!
January | My most favorite memory from this month was when the girls and I surprised Josh by driving up to Virginia while he was working. He had been there off and on for about six weeks so he was so excited to see us. His face made the crazy drive there so worth it.
February | Josh started his new and current job. It was one of the greatest blessings for us. He now works for a wonderful company that appreciates and respects him.
March | We celebrated Julianna's fifth birthday with a dress up party. I can't believe how fast she's growing up!
April | We celebrated Easter, took several trips to the zoo, and went exploring at Hanging Rock. I also starting going to the YMCA regularly which was so good for me. I've never worked out on a regular basis so I am now feeling healthier and stronger than I have ever have before.
May | Our little Olivia turned three years old! She had a blast partying at the children's museum with her friends and family.
June | We took our annual family vacation to the Outer Banks. Josh and I also celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary!
July | This was probably our busiest month of the year! I won a trip to NYC so we got to go for the weekend of the fourth to explore the city and go to the Yankees game. Josh celebrated his birthday by driving us home from the city. I worked at summer camp and we visited South Carolina.
August | We went to Oak Island for a long weekend and it was so beautiful. Julianna and Olivia began their dance year and Julianna started kindergarten! Seriously... where does the time go?!
September | Olivia officially began preschool and was so excited about the new adventure. We also went hiking as a family at Pilot Mountain.
October | We visited the pumpkin patch and picked apples. We also were able to take the girls to Tweetsie Railroad for the day. They had so much fun despite the yucky weather.
November | I celebrated my 30th birthday! I was surprised with a birthday dinner with friends and I was able to go on a weekend trip to Blowing Rock and Linville Falls. It was the perfect birthday!
December | It was a busy month of Christmas traditions and celebrations. We ended the month with a another visit to South Carolina.
And I can't wrap up the year without sharing my favorite outfits from twenty fifteen...
Here's to a bright and adventurous 2016! Happy New Year!