Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Olivia- 4 month checkup

Little Olivia had her 4 month checkup today. She weighed in at 14 lbs. 6 oz. and was 24 inches long. She's short, fat, and perfect! She didn't care for the shots but she was back to her happy self again when mommy picked her up for cuddles.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Olivia- 4 months

Olivia Grace is 4 months old! The past 4 months have been amazing. Our sweet little Olivia is growing fast. She goes to the peditrician tomorrow for her checkup but I would guess she's between 14 and 15 pounds... she has lots of cute, little rolls and a pudgy tummy. She doesn't miss a meal! She has be exclusively breastfeeding for 4 months now.

She loves to be tickled and talked to- she has the best laugh! She can roll over but she rarely does it. She prefers to just play with her toes or squeal really loudly! Olivia is sleeping better at night now. Usually only waking up once before 6am and sleeping mostly in her crib.

We love our Olivia so much! She has been such an amazing addition to our family! It's hard to remember what life was like before she joined us.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Health & Fitness: a confession

I have to confess. After getting back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, I haven't done much "formal" exercise. I was just so excited that I got those 31 pregnancy pounds completely off that I took a mini break which turned into how in the world do I find time to exercise with little people??? When I first started my health and fitness journey, Olivia was only 6 weeks old. She slept a lot so I could easily sneak in a workout while she was sleeping and Julianna was playing independently. Those occasions are super rare now and I fear waking anyone up during a nap! I'm sure all mommas understand. But I have been super active. Everyday we go do something. Park or zoo or just walking in the neighborhood. I've still been eating very healthy with a slurge here and there. Despite the late of time with Jillian Michaels, guess what?! I've lost 2 more lbs. I'm 3 lbs. from my 2nd goal weight!