Saturday, April 28, 2012

picking strawberries

About a month ago, I made a bucket list in my head. Not a life long bucket list, a short term one. There were several things I wanted to accomplish and do with Julianna before Olivia was born. I checked another one of those things off today. We picked our own strawberries at Whitaker Farms. Julianna enjoyed carrying the basket and picking strawberries but most of all, she loved eating them! When her basket was full, she plopped herself down on the ground and started eating away. We had such a fun time together! Next item on the list: go to the zoo. We'll accomplish this one tomorrow. Not much time left- 15 days til my due date! However, I could quite possibly be crazy for walking around the zoo at 38 weeks pregnant. Maybe it'll get my labor going! :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Oh, to be 2!

Julianna is so much fun right now. Two is such a fun age. She's learning and exploring all of the time. Julianna loves being creative as well as music and dance. She prefers to be outside and is picking up so quickly on everything. She is just enjoying life! Here are a few recent pictures of my sweet but sassy little two year old:

37 weeks

How Far Along: 37 weeks
How Big is Baby: Between 5.5 and 6 lbs.
Weight Gain: 27 pounds
Sleep: Still trying to get comfortable all night and I get so stinkin' hot even with the AC cranked up.
Health: My calves, ankles, and feet are swollen but my blood pressure is still good- 114/74. My back and upper abdomen are aching. Yep, I'm just uncomfortable.
Clothes: All maternity except for dresses and tank tops that I've bought a size up in.
Best Moment this Week: Finishing up the nursery.
Food Cravings: Salt and fruit. I visited McDonald's quite a few times this week. I'm so surprised that I only gained 1 pound!
Movement: Tons of strong movements.
Gender: She's a girl.
Name: Olivia Grace
Labor Signs: Frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions and a lot of pressure. I am about 1 cm dilated but the doctor described it as a "loose" 1 cm and I was quite close to 2 cm. I'm between 20 and 50% effaced as well.
What I Miss: Feeling comfortable.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting Livi!
Milestone: Making it past 37 weeks and 4 days- when I was induced and delivered Julianna. I've never been this pregnant before.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Olivia's Nursery

And here's the 99% finished nusery for Miss Olivia Grace...

Friday, April 20, 2012

36 weeks

How Far Along: 36 weeks
How Big is Baby: She weighed 5.5 lbs at our ultrasound today. She's in the 20th percentile for weight which is small but not too small. Apparently I make small babies.
Weight Gain: 26 pounds
Sleep: still trying to get comfortable all night!
Health: I'm still experiencing the upper abdominal pain and I have some swelling in my feet/ankles but my blood pressure was great.
Clothes: All maternity except for dresses and tank tops that I've bought a size up in.
Best Moment this Week: Seeing Livi on the ultrasound and my school baby shower.
Food Cravings: Lemon candy, lemon desserts, and lemonade.
Movement: Tons of strong movements.
Gender: She's a girl.
Name: Olivia Grace
Labor Signs: Frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions and a lot of pressure. I am 1 cm dilated right now.
What I Miss: Feeling comfortable.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Meeting Livi!

36 weeks

Olivia Grace- 36 weeks 5 days

Diaper wreath from my school shower.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

35 weeks

How Far Along: 35 weeks

How Big is Baby: I'm measuring ahead but my belly still looks small in comparison to other moms-to-be. We'll know for sure next Friday! If she's in less than the 10th percentile (like Julianna was), they'll probably induce right away.

Weight Gain: about 25 pounds.

Sleep: still trying to get comfortable all night!

Health: I'm still experiencing the upper abdominal pain and it's getting worse + my back hurts constantly.

Clothes: all maternity except for dresses and tank tops that I've bought a size up in.

Best Moment this Week: Easter with my sweet family.

Food Cravings: I haven't wanted much of anything the past 2 days. I've had my second stomach virus of this pregnancy. No fun.

Movement: tons of strong movements.

Gender: she's a girl.

Name: Olivia Grace

Labor Signs: just Braxton-Hicks contractions on a fairly regular basis.

What I Miss: the good sleep I was experiencing just a few weeks ago.

What I'm Looking Forward To: my next ulratsound.

Milestone: Sunday I was 35 weeks ad 35 days to go.


Easter 2012

Julianna celebrated her 3rd Easter this year. Julianna was just a couple of week old for her first Easter but was able to enjoy more of the festivities last year. But this year- she really got into everything and had a blast!

She celebrated with dyeing eggs at daycare plus a party and an egg hunt there. We also had an Easter egg hunt at our church on Saturday. We did crafts, ate cupcakes, hula hooped (sort of), listened to the Easter story, and of course, hunted for eggs. Julianna managed to get about 6 eggs with my help. We had such a fun time!

For Easter, Julianna got a princess bubble machine instead of an Easter basket this year. She loves it and we've had so much playing with it outside.
Playing with Easter eggs from her daycare egg hunt.

Crafts at church.

"Where did all the eggs go?"

Easter egg hunt at church.

Hula hooping.

Easter Sunday before church.

Playing with her new bubble machine.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Baby Shower for Olivia

This past Saturday, my family threw me a wonderful baby shower for Miss Olivia. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives!

Julianna's 2nd Birthday

On March 17, Julianna celebrated her 2nd birthday! I can't believe my little baby girl is already 2! Julianna has changed our lives in so many ways and definitely for the better. We love you, Julianna! You'll always be our little girl!

To celebrate, Julianna and I went out for breakfast- just the 2 of us.

We ran a few errands, napped, and then had a big party with our friends and family at our house. She had a blast! The theme was Elmo with touches of pink and polka dots.