How Far Along: 35 weeks
How Big is Baby: I'm measuring ahead but my belly still looks small in comparison to other moms-to-be. We'll know for sure next Friday! If she's in less than the 10th percentile (like Julianna was), they'll probably induce right away.
Weight Gain: about 25 pounds.
Sleep: still trying to get comfortable all night!
Health: I'm still experiencing the upper abdominal pain and it's getting worse + my back hurts constantly.
Clothes: all maternity except for dresses and tank tops that I've bought a size up in.
Best Moment this Week: Easter with my sweet family.
Food Cravings: I haven't wanted much of anything the past 2 days. I've had my second stomach virus of this pregnancy. No fun.
Movement: tons of strong movements.
Gender: she's a girl.
Name: Olivia Grace
Labor Signs: just Braxton-Hicks contractions on a fairly regular basis.
What I Miss: the good sleep I was experiencing just a few weeks ago.
What I'm Looking Forward To: my next ulratsound.
Milestone: Sunday I was 35 weeks ad 35 days to go.
wow Emily she could be here so soon! Lol I think I look big compared to all the other pregnant ladies!! I was huge with Norah too:) You look adorable. Hope you're feeling better!