Happy Wednesday! T-minus one day to go until we are Puerto Rico bound! Yay! But, there's just so much left to do. Packing for four people to fly and be away for nine days is no joke. So much stuff to organize and pack! It will be so worth it when we are there. I have a feeling this is going to be a trip of a lifetime and I just can't wait to experience it all with my girls!
Today, I'm sharing a my weekly Instagram Roundup, including outfits from last week. I have been reaching for skirts and graphic tees pretty much every day. It's a fun, easy summer combo!
I can't leave the farmers market without a bouquet of fresh flowers!
Out of office... and wearing my favorite polka dot shorts.
Leopard loves summertime, too.
How gorgeous is this suit?! Size up one size for the best fit.
Tying a shirt over a dress create a whole new look. I love these polka dots!
Graphic tees and skirts all summer long.
My favorite breakfast at The Table Farmhouse Bakery. So delicious!
More leopard and another skirt. Do we see a pattern here?!
Happy Friday! I hope you've had a great week! My kids had Vacation Bible School at our church this week so my husband and I were able to squeeze in two weeknight dates this week. It was so much fun to catch up and spend some time together during the week! Monday nights make great date nights! My girls also had a great time at VBS so it was a win-win.
Today, I'm sharing my weekly roundup of what I'm currently loving. A couple of the items I already own and love (plus they are included in my Puerto Rico packing list that I shared here on the blog yesterday). I found lots of great, budget friendly items this week!
Which of this week's picks is your favorite?!
1. B E L T B A G | This is such a cute, affordable option for a belt bag! For less than $20, you can gave a belt bag a try. I love mine so much!
2. T E E | This tee is so fun! I love pink and champagne so I'm definitely adding it my wish list.
3. S A N D A L S | I already own and love these sandals. I wear them several times a week and they comfortably dress up any look! Fit is true to size.
4. N E C K L A C E | I am currently loving shell jewelry and this five dollar necklace is a great way to try out the trend. Yay for style on a budget!
5. T O P | I love the print and the style of this adorable top. It would be super cute styled with a pair of high rise denim shorts!
6. S K I R T | I ordered this skirt earlier in the week and I can't wait for it to arrive! I had my eye on a much more expensive option so I was really excited to find this one. I'm planning to style it with a graphic tee and sneakers!
7. S H O R T S | These shorts are one of my favorite items in my closet! I love the dots, the color, and the fit is fantastic. They run true to size.
8. B U T T O N U P | My closet is still missing a white button up shirt! I love this $15 dollar option. Such a classic style!
Thank you so much for visiting! Have a great weekend!
Happy Thursday! It's officially one week until we are Puerto Rico bound! We are actually road tripping to Atlanta, Georgia first to stay the night and fly out of the airport there. We have several airports close to us in North Carolina but flights for four people was significantly less expensive directly out of Atlanta. I am all about getting a better deal! This will be my girls very first time flying and they are so excited for their first flight. We can't wait!
Today, I'm sharing some of the items that I am packing for our trip! We will be staying with Josh's grandmother at her home so I won't have any resort recommendations for this trip. We are so excited for an authentic Puerto Rican experience and can't wait to go on so many new adventures! On the agenda is visiting beaches, going to the rainforest, snorkeling, and maybe even zip lining.
Now, on to the packing list. This list might be more for me than anyone else but it's helpful for me to organize what I'm taking with me plus I always love to see what others are packing for their trips!
Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you have a great day!
Hey y'all! Today is our first official day of summer break and we are unfortunately kicking it off with a trip to the dentist for a filling. This is the first cavity either one of my kids have ever had so I am dreading it! I don't like going to the dentist at all myself and my kids usually like the dentist but I have a feeling Olivia is going to lose her love of the dentist (at least a little bit) today!
Today, I'm sharing my weekly roundup of outfits and inspiration from Instagram. I currently can't stop wearing skirts. I am loving them for spring and summer!
...where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 NIV
Got my kids to school, went to the post office, and got my car inspected all before 9am this day. I felt so accomplished! This black tank and my fav jeans made getting ready simple that morning. The tank is super budget friendly, true to size, and so flattering. Adding the gray one to my cart too!
I'm nosey and I like seeing other people’s Target hauls so here’s mine: polka dot dress, body wash that smells like a watermelon jolly rancher, bud vase, comfy bralette, Crest white strips because I love coffee, and new mascara!
Some days I really love my outfit and this was one of those days. This budget friendly skirt is finally available online and it’s the perfect leopard print for summer! The fit is true to size for wearing on your natural waist but size up if you like wearing your skirts lower on your hips.
Now that I finally gave in to getting a belt bag (aka chic fanny pack), I wish I would have gotten one sooner! They are the perfect solution to a dress or skirts without pockets. This one perfectly holds my iPhone, keys, lipgloss, and a small card wallet!
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NIV
Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you have a wonderful day!