Monday, November 30, 2009
22 weeks
Friday morning, Josh and I got up at 1:30am to catch some Black Friday bargains. We only made it to Old Navy that morning but we got some great deals. Then we were on our way to South Carolina to visit his family. We made it there by 9:30am and we were both exhausted!
Later that morning, I went shopping again with Josh's sister. I didn't buy much this time but we had fun just looking around. We relaxed for awhile then Josh's twin and his wife got there. They have a 6-month old. He made me really excited about my little one that's on the way!
Saturday was another shopping day for the girls. I pretty much finished my Christmas shopping--except I still have to buy gifts for Josh. That day, more of Josh's family came over to his dad's house so there was definitely a full house. We enjoyed a post-Thanksgiving meal together.
We came home on Sunday and I spent 2-hours wrapping gifts! At least that's out of the way!
We ended up not having the maternity photo shoot this weekend due to a conflict with the photographer. We are going to schedule a new date at the end of December, when Josh and I go back to visit for Christmas.
What a busy but nice weekend! Baby girl Soto has been busy!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!

We'll be up bright and early to finish up our Christmas shopping then we're heading to South Carolina to visit his dad, stepmom, and sister.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
21 weeks and 4 days

So the agenda for today is: completing school work (yes, even on my day off), laundry, errands, packing for the trip and the photo shoot, and of course, my nap!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
our first gifts

weight gain and health
As far as my health goes, I think the 19 pounds so far have been healthy. I have really tried to make good food choices. But really, instead of icecream... I'd much rather have an apple. It just tastes better to me right now. Except for Cold Stone: I could go for a birthday cake remix sundae anytime!
My blood pressure has also stayed pretty low. Right now, it is 110/70. Pre-pregnancy it was considerably higher than that. Maybe the healthy eating is helping because I know my level of stress has probably doubled since I got pregnant and began this school year!
adventures of week 21

Saturday, November 21, 2009
21 weeks

getting harder to sleep
-apples (preferably granny smith)- salsa and chips (with sour cream)

Friday, November 20, 2009
my 24th birthday and 20 weeks

My birthday goodies:

19 weeks and 5 days

19 weeks
Josh's church outfit matched the color of our nursery:

celebrating our little girl!
The next day at work, Josh celebrated the news of a little girl:

18 weeks... it's a GIRL!


17 weeks

16 weeks

11 weeks
From my 7 week picture, there is definitely a change. This was a very exciting day for me!
As far as school and teaching goes, I told my class on the very first day of school that I was pregnant. I wanted them to know why I might throw up, be ill, or just eat all day long. The kids were really excited and they predicted it was a girl! Hmmm... we may just be on to something!
7 weeks
Yeah, no belly, right?! But this is what the baby belly started from.
At this point, I thought the baby was definitely a girl. I just had that gut feeling and I had so many dreams about "our little girl." I just knew...
finding out that I was expecting (4 weeks)
The first two tests I took, we cheap Dollar Store tests. I saw two faint pink lines. But I didn't trust them because I thought they were just... cheap. So I went and paid the money for a digital pregnancy test. At work, I took the test and it definitely said pregnant. So that night, when Josh came home from work, I took the other digital test:
As you can see, digital test #2 showed that I was pregnant. Just to be 100% sure, I went to the doctor two days later. To my surprise, the doctor uses the identical tests that they sell at the Dollar Store! She confirmed for me once again.... yes, I am pregnant! I guess it took five tests for me to actually believe that it was true.
Josh and I were VERY excited! We called our family to let them know. There was no way I could wait to tell everyone. And if something did go wrong, at least we would have the support of our families to get us through it.
So this is where my pregnancy journey begins...