I also went to my first day back to school yesterday. No kids there but it was the last teacher workday. I had so much paperwork, organizing, cleaning, etc. to do. I was there from 7:30am-4pm and still didn't quite finish everything. I'll have to take the little one with me on Monday to wrap everything up. So Josh got to play "Mr. Mom" while I was at school and he has decided that he could never be a stay-at-home daddy. I told him it was a lot of work! I couldn't be a full-time stay-at-home mom either. I have throughly enjoyed being at home with Julianna but I felt so much excitement when I came home yesterday. It made me appreciate my time with her so much more. It will be hard to go back to work in August but I know I can do it. I'll have something to look forward to at the end of everyday--seeing my beautiful daughter! (and my amazing husband, of course)
Enjoy some Soto pictures now. The pictures of just Julianna are from Thursday when I was singing the Star Spangled Banner to her. She really loved it! She's going to be a patriotic baby girl!

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