Total Weight Gain: 40 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: pants are only maternity. dresses. and loooong tops 'cause my belly will show if my shirt is short. i mostly wear non-maternity tops because i have been spending most of my clothes money on jewelry, shoes, and purses these days.
Stretch Marks: still no stretch marks on the belly. just a few elsewhere. beach trip in june won't be spent in a string bikini!
Sleep: sleeping is the most comfortable time of the day!
Maternity Clothes: pants are only maternity. dresses. and loooong tops 'cause my belly will show if my shirt is short. i mostly wear non-maternity tops because i have been spending most of my clothes money on jewelry, shoes, and purses these days.
Stretch Marks: still no stretch marks on the belly. just a few elsewhere. beach trip in june won't be spent in a string bikini!
Sleep: sleeping is the most comfortable time of the day!
Best Moment This Week: finding out that i'm already 1cm dilated and i've dropped. i'm ready for her to come!
Movement: she's moving all over the place with very strong movements.
Food Cravings: nothing in peticular this week. just feed me, please!
Movement: she's moving all over the place with very strong movements.
Food Cravings: nothing in peticular this week. just feed me, please!
Gender: it's a girl!
Labor Signs: frequent and uncomfortable braxton-hicks contractions, more pressure, baby has dropped, and i'm 1cm dilated (as of monday's appointment).
Belly Button In or Out: still in!
Labor Signs: frequent and uncomfortable braxton-hicks contractions, more pressure, baby has dropped, and i'm 1cm dilated (as of monday's appointment).
Belly Button In or Out: still in!
What I am Looking Forward to: the weekend so that i can relax and my appointment on monday to check our progress.
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