Julianna had a great first Thanksgiving. She loved all of the attention! She wouldn't have anything to do with the mashed potatoes I gave her... and she didn't want any sweet potato casserole. She clearly doesn't appreciate good food yet but we're working on it.
This morning, we completely through off her rountine by putting her in the car (still wearing footie pajamas) and got on the road to South Carolina. She slept about 2 hours of the trip then fussed and smiled the other 2 hours. She refused naps all day long. She just wasn't having it. All she wanted today was a bottle and someone to play with her.
We found a pair of old ear muffs at Josh's dad's house. She loved them!
The second picture seriously cracks me up. She was mid laugh when I took that picture. I love it!
She also had her very first trip to Toys R Us today. She was so content the entire time we were there. At some point during the end of the trip there, my sweet little Julianna peed all over herself and me. It was straight through her diaper, her jeans, and my shirt. Just another one of those moments that you just can't help but laugh about!
We've had a great kick off to the holiday season!
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