Friday, August 6, 2010

plato's closet was a fail

Yesterday, my mom, Julianna, and I headed to Plato's Closet to try to sell some of my clothes. I pretty much emptied out half of my closet-- 5 trash bags FULL of clothes. My post-baby body does not accomodate size 2 pants anymore. My hips are wider and they aren't going anywhere. I've got about 10 pounds to go before I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight so most of my tops still fit but these wonderful hips (which I really don't mind all that much) aren't allowing me to wear any of my pants.

I hauled my 5 trash bags of clothing into Plato's Closet hoping to get a little cash to buy some pants or dresses for work. Out of 5 trash bags, they only purchased $31 worth of my clothes. Reasoning: darker washes for jeans are more "trendy" right now, they don't take many pairs of "dress" pants because their clientele doesn't purchase professional clothing, and my clothes were too "worn"... um, many of those clothes have been worn maybe once?! I guess I'm just bitter because I was hoping to leave with a lot less in those darn trash bags.

Apparently my style isn't teen/college trendy anymore. I'm getting old! So now I'm left with 4 trash bags of clothing. I'll probably just donate the clothing to Goodwill or some other charity because I can't use it anymore... or maybe an end of summer yard sale?

Anyone want to donate some cash to "Emily needs work clothes fund"? hahaha



  1. You could try this new consignment store in Winston- it's's opposite Hane's Mall, near to AC Moore's and Cato. Do you know where I mean? You would like the clothes they stock.

  2. I'll have to check it out. Thank you!

  3. I never had luck at Plato's Closet. You should try selling it on ebay. I've had a ton of luck with that!
