Hey y'all! This post has been in my drafts since the beginning of January. I'm honestly not really sure what took me so look to actually write it but I always trust God's timing, especially when it comes to sharing my heart with others. Every year for the past seven years, I have chosen a word that I will focus on throughout the year. It's a replacement to the long list of resolutions that will we will all give up on by February or March. It's one word that is your road map for the year. A word that gives you a vision for your year.
Last year, I felt like my word FAITHFUL came to me so easily. For months, my word for 2019 popped up in songs I was listening to, Bible verses I was reading, and conversations I was having with friends. I even saw it pop on posts on Instagram. That word showed up to me as if it was in bright neon lights. Maybe my brain was looking for that word or maybe it was my heart but regardless, I found it. Everywhere. But, my word for 2020, didn't come to me as quickly. I honestly almost felt like this meant that I needed to repeat the word faithful because maybe my heart wasn't quite ready to focus on a new word just yet.
“He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—
He remains faithful forever.”
Psalm 146:6 NIV
I'm not exactly how to put it into words but I just have to share that God was incredibly faithful to me in 2019. I felt His faithfulness as I navigated a very difficult season in my life. My parents were divorcing after 38 years of marriage. There's absolutely no manual or guide that can prepare you for this undesirable journey. I prayed hard for restoration but mostly for peace and understanding. It's been a challenging season but a season where I felt like I deepened my relationship with God. I have honestly never felt closer to God in my entire life and for that, I am grateful. This season has also made me take much greater value in my own marriage, which will also play a part in the word that I have chosen for 2020.
So, after thinking for week or so that I would continue the word faithful this year (because I figured reminding myself of God's faithfulness for another year couldn't hurt), I found my new word. I must add during the past year, I have really worked on being more intentional with my time, especially the time spent with my mother. I didn't want her to feel lonely. I always know there is such great value in the time we spend together. So, we started intentionally taking a day every month or two, to spend time together just the two of us. She loves thrifting, like me, so it's something we have started doing together again. We have discovered new stores, fun finds, but most of all, quality time together.
As I was sitting in the parking lot at YMCA (that's where I found my word last year, too), I was typing up an Instagram post for the photo below, sharing some of the things above and sharing one of my most favorite finds ever, this ceramic Christmas tree. I said this in the text of the post, "I have discovered treasure in intentionally spending time with my mom. Reconnecting with her one thrift store at at time. It's been such a gift that I may have missed out on if the happenings of life didn't turn this way. You never know where you might find the most precious treasures." As I was posting this, I was listening to the song Alabaster Heart by Bethel Music & kalley and guess what word I heard (that I had never really noticed in the many times I had listened to the song before)?!
My one word for this year is...
So here it is, my alabaster heart
I'm keeping nothing back from who You are
No hidden treasure veiled by key or lock
You're a lifetime worth of worship
And that's only just the start
treasure | trea·sure | \ ˈtre-zhÉ™r
verb: to hold or keep as precious
I'm not an overly emotionally person but I cried when this word came to me. God's timing was perfect. He laid this one on my heart at just at the right time. Just when I needed to hear it.
I have also chosen this verse as a my guiding verse for the year:
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21 ESV
So, what does the word treasure mean for me this year? Right now, it means being intentional in my relationships, especially with my husband and my family. Finding treasure in moments and experiences with the people I love. It also means treasuring things of lasting value, not fleeting things that only bring temporary happiness. Treasuring God's word by reading through the Bible this year and ultimately, knowing that all of my true treasure and worth is found in my relationship with God. I'm really excited about what He is going to do in my life this year!
Thank you so much for visiting and taking the time to read this post! I hope you have a great day!
Absolutely love your word for the year. To find Gods hidden treasure in the everyday and to treasure all He has for us. Love it girl. Thanks for sharing your heart and word for the year!