julianna completed her very first road trip this weekend! we went down to south carolina to visit josh's dad, stepmom, josh's sister and her boyfriend, and josh's great grandmother who was visiting from Puerto Rico. julianna did great in the car. she slept all of the way there and all the way back. she also had a longest sleep session. 10pm to 6am!!! mommy was very excited!
ashley brought juju 2 cute outfits. she's such a good auntie! josh's stepmom bought julianna a swing to have at their house, a few new outfits, and a bumbo seat. i've been wanting to get julianna a bumbo seat for a few weeks now. she has been doing soooo good with holding her head up so i wanted to get a bumbo to help her strengthen her neck muscles. she's sitting in the bumbo for the first time in the video below. this video will definitely embarrass her in the future. she made "cookie dough" while she was in the bumbo!
and more pictures from our trip:
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