Happy New Year! In honor of the new year, I wanted to take some time to reflect on last year. Every year, I choose one word. One word to focus on all year. A word that serves as a guide for the year. I don't do resolutions but I always pick a word. In 2018, I chose the word JOY. I don't think I have ever been quite as intentional with a word as I have been this past year. I have found so much joy in the mundane, the everyday, the stressful stuff, the happy, the frustrations, the excitement, the disappointments, and everything in between.
My sweet friend, Pam, who you'll see in the silly pictures below, even had bracelets made for us as reminders of our words for the year. I loved looking down and having the constant reminder to find the joy, even when it feels impossible.
How did I find joy? I spent less money spent on stuff and invested in more experiences. I honestly used to find fleeting joy in material things but they just don't hold enough value for me anymore. I will always love to shop but joy isn't in stuff. Joy for me, is found in the memories I make with my family. From an exciting vacation to a free hike down a trail, that's where I find the most joy and contentment. I'm thankful to be married to someone who feels the same way!
I have also found joy in minimizing. Clutter and an overabundance of stuff seriously stresses me out. If it didn't bring me joy, I got rid of it this year! Which meant, lots of donations and yard sales. I touched on this yesterday but I also found joy in saying no. I know that might seem strange but saying no to things that you don't have to do, that don't bring you joy, that add unnecessary stress to your day, is completely okay. It's okay to say no and sometimes you have to do it for your sanity!
Like in all things, my one word has been tested. I have had bad days and bad news. But, what's different for me this year is how I handle it. I'm not perfect and I'm human but I have tried to seek out the good during these times and focus on what I can control versus what I cannot.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11 ESV
I'll be sharing my one word for 2019 within the next couple of days. What's your one word?
Thank so much for visiting! I hope you have a great first day of 2019!
S H O P T H E P O S T:
Loved this post, Emily!