Tuesday, January 12, 2016

olive you

This past weekend Josh and I went to Asheville for the weekend just the two of us. We had an amazing time exploring the beautiful and unique city together. One of my favorite parts of the downtown area are all of the unique buildings and walls. For Christmas, I got a DSLR camera so I am slowly learning how to use it and putting my husband to work as my photographer. We had lots of laughs downtown taking these photos while he was dodging cars and waiting for the perfect lighting.

Olive you, my Instagram husband. 

Speaking of olive, it's a color that I actually don't own much of. I spotted this sweater and knew I needed to add it to my closet. And look! I'm wearing white pants during the winter {I scored these pants from Lyon + Post, click here to learn more}. I had to take advantage of a kid free day and wear them. Just so y'all know, you can hike a mountain in white pants and not ruin them. I tried it and I was amazed. 

And yes, those are heart shaped sunglasses.

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit

olive you, canon rebel, asheville, outfit


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