Sunday, September 14, 2014

style: #ootd; the story

Scroll down, look at the last outfit, then scroll back up. Isn't that shirt awesome? I ordered that decal from my sweet friend Julia at Glitter and Juls. Everyday I share my #ootd {outfit of the day} on Instagram. I began sharing my outfits when Olivia was just a couple of months old and I was working  on a health and fitness challenge. I was excited to be wearing my old clothes again and I had thrifted some new items I wanted to share. This developed into sharing my outfit on a daily basis and it gave me a reason to get dressed because at the time I was a 100% stay at home mom. Putting together and sharing outfits is a creative outlet for me. My outfits have changed and evolved since the first ones I shared. I have realized that I don't have to be going somewhere "fancy" to get dressed up and it's okay to try something new. I would have never paired two patterns together but now it's the norm to wear two patterns or even three in one outfit. 

 I also post much more than outfits on Instagram. I share my life there. It's kind of like a daily blog feed of my day. I share special moments with my children, encouraging quotes and Bible verses, and the little things in life that make me smile. I have always loved photography so it's also been an outlet for that as well. I have connected with so many amazing women through sharing my outfits, kids, and food with the world. I have been able to inspire them and even share my faith with them. 

We all have gifts and methods of reaching other people and I just happen to be able to reach others through style. So many conversations start with a fashion find and end with a prayer.

// shirt {similar} // pants {similar} // bag {similar} //
// heels {similar} // necklace // bracelet 1 // bracelet 2 //

// shirt // shorts {similar} // bag {similar} // sandals {similar} //

// shirt {similar} // shorts // flats {similar} // necklace //

// shirt {similar} // decal // necklace {similar} //
// boots // bracelets // shorts {similar} //

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