Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Instagram Roundup .206

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week so far! So far, so good here. I feel like April completely flew by and it's only six days into May. It also just hit me that my youngest daughter turns eight years old in ten days! How in the world did that happen?! Time slow down, please.

Today, I'm sharing my weekly Instagram Roundup, including my outfits from last week. True life: I didn't get dressed in real outfits very much last week. Every morning, I immediately put on my workout clothes to give me one less excuse for not working out. And, well... some days, I never worked out and stayed in my workout clothes all day long. Haha... at least I tried.

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget

These pink flowers from my garden make me happy.

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget

Spring means sweaters and sandals. One of my favorite combos!

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget

Another one of my favorite transitional styles: cardigans and shorts.

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget

How pretty is this top?! I absolutely love it!

instagram roundup, nc blogger, north carolina blogger, spring style, spring outfit ideas, style on a budget

This look is from last week's white tee style session. My favorite white tee is only $8!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day!

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