Weight Gain: 15 pounds
Sleep: Good, still needing lots of it.
Gender: It's a girl!
Name: Olivia Grace
Feeling: I feel like I've gotten a lot bigger in the past week. Bending over isn't quite as easy anymore.
Health: Good as far as I know. I have my 2-week checkup on Monday afternoon.
Movement: Tons of movement, mostly in the evenings.
Size of Baby: A squash.
Cravings: Sweets and chicken salad.
Belly Button: In but it's getting much more shallow. It stayed in with Julianna but I'm not really sure about this time around.
There isn't a special post this week dedicated to maternity fashion. This week, if I found something that fit, I went with it. I have less and less clothing options as my belly is growing. Like I said last week, I own very few maternity tops. I have been relying on longer shirts and layering a long tank underneath my shirt.
Tomorrow begins my 30th week of pregnancy. This pregnancy has seemed to move so quickly. I can't wait to meet Olivia but my goodness, I have so much to do before she arrives!
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