Josh and I are excited to announce that Julianna will be a big sister in May! I found out I was pregnant around 5 weeks. I randomly decided to take a test one night after I'd been really tired for a few days. I just felt different. But honestly, I didn't think it was possible. We weren't supposed to be trying and really, we weren't. But like they say, it only takes one time! And obviously that must be true for us. After I took one test, I stood in the bathroom in shock when the second line appeared immediately. I called Josh in. Shocked face as well. He said take another test now! I did. Same result- immediate second line. We didn't get that rush of excitement this time as we did last time. We were worried and hopeful at the same time but we didn't want to get excited yet.
After a series of hcg level tests, my levels were doubling and high. The days between getting the results of those tests were long and full of worry. My levels were high enough that I was able to have an ultrasound last Monday to determine my due date. We were able to see the little heart beating 140 beats per minute and found out that I was 7 weeks along. The doctor said everything looked great depsite the odds. I got pregnant just 2 weeks after I had the miscarriage- not ideal circumstances for a healthy pregnancy. God is in control. He has a plan and knows what's best.
So here we are today, about 9 weeks pregnant and morning sickness is in full force and I am beyond exhausted. Good signs that things are going well. I am starting to get more and more excited now. Please keep our family in your prayers for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby in the coming months!
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