How Far Along: 24 weeks (well, that will be true in about an hour)
Total Weight Gain: 22.4 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes! I have been in maternity pants since around 13 weeks. I can still wear some of my regular tops but they seem to be getting much shorter now.
Stretch Marks: Yes, unfortunately. They're not too bad though.
Sleep: I am tired... no, exhausted most of the time. Especially when I get home from work. All I want to do is lay down, eat, and be lazy! Most of the time, I sleep through the night but occasionally the baby's movement will wake me up or my hunger will.
Best Moment This Week: Finally looking more pregnant... instead of chunky!
Movement: I have been feeling a lot more movement lately and it's getting much stronger. Our baby girl must be growing!
Food Cravings: Salsa and sour cream from San Felipe and as of today, apple crisp. I sliced up some fresh Granny Smith apples and baked some this afternoon. Delicious!
Gender: It's a girl!
Labor Signs: None and I'd like it to stay that way for awhile.
Belly Button In or Out: It's still in but as you can see from the picture below... I think it's headed out, very soon.
What I am Looking Forward to: Currently, I'm looking forward to getting the nursery complete.
Milestones: Today (well soon enough) I will have reached V-Day! Her organs are developed enough to survive outside of the womb today. And I'm also reaching 6 months today, as well. Happy 24 Weeks!
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